
ARM v8-M architecture to increase security protection mechanism trying to do

Author:feeltech   Add Time:2016-04-21 12:37:34   Browse:

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[REVIEW] bring all things linked to a more convenient user experience, but will also face a more severe information security test. In view of this, the International Arm (ARM) has been actively developing technologies and acquisitions frequently than things security companies, strengthen the company's products protective barriers. At the same time, security is also seeking to extend its TrustZone technology ARMv8-M architecture, hardware upgrade protection for embedded devices.


Everything linked to bring more convenient user experience, but will also face a more severe information security test. In view of this, the International Arm (ARM) has been actively developing technologies and acquisitions frequently than things security companies, strengthen the company's products protective barriers. At the same time, security is also seeking to extend its TrustZone technology ARMv8-M architecture, hardware upgrade protection for embedded devices.

ARM applications engineering manager Xu Dayong, things will bring more information security risks for embedded systems, software and hardware upgrades necessary to have security.

He said that when embedded system becomes Wisdom, after the networking technology, whether it is a device to device or device to the cloud, are in the case of Internet communication with each other, so the privacy or important information people will be more likely to be stolen, but also led security It demands more and more important.

Xu Dayong way of further example, thermostats, point of sale (POS) system early are more independent devices, but the future of these devices can be networked, and will then pass the information to the cloud, the possibility of being hacked will follow increases. For example, in the smart home applications, Google's Nest thermostat will once hackers control.

To improve security, ARM has been developed many security technologies, such as CryptoCell, TrustZone, mbed platform and SecureCore etc., through software and hardware to upgrade security. In addition, the company's new ARMv8-M architecture, TrustZone technology will extend to the microcontroller (MCU), a processor-based hardware security, enhanced networking safety-critical embedded devices.

Market forecast, 2017 or 2018 will be equipped with this architecture is expected to see the ARM Cortex-M series of new products.

It is noteworthy that, ARM Cortex-A series with Cortex-M series Jieke for embedded systems, and that the relevant elements for the design of embedded systems vendors or industry concerned, how to choose a suitable core design products?

Xu Dayong explained, ARM Cortex-M series can not be performed Rich OS system, so if you want to use Rich OS systems products, will have to use ARM Cortex-A series. To apply to distinguish between words, for example, the company introduced this year for the processor ARM Cortex-A32 will use many algorithms for embedded applications, such as network cameras (IP Camera); ARM Cortex-M series can be used wisdom lighting, smart home field.

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